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Are you …
Worn out and in need of some time away?
Feeling drained and need a little pick me up?
Looking for positive women to connect with while you grow in your faith and have some fun?

When the Gals Gather is a movement that unites women from diverse ages, stages and walks of life around worship and the word of God. Its flagship event, The Gathering: A Time of Worship for Women, began in 2013 with just 30 women. Today, hundreds of women come together for one chief purpose: to worship our great God and spur one another on toward authentic biblical living. 

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Kelly Parker is the creator, keynote speaker and visionary for the When the Gals Gather Movement. She is driven by her passion to bring women from every race, background and walk of life together in worship of Jesus as Lord.

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With Spirit-filled worship, sweet fellowship and powerful biblical teaching, The Gathering is where women come to be themselves, enjoy themselves and see themselves just as God does: cherished, accepted and dearly loved.


Time and time again, women tell us they leave The Gathering feeling inspired, motivated and empowered to overcome obstacles in their lives and pursue a closer connection with God.

Stay in the know! 

Join our mailing list for all the latest When the Gals Gather updates. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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In 2019, The Gathering hit the road! In an effort to bring encouragement and sound Biblical teaching to women all over the world, When the Gals Gather partners with churches and organizations from various cities and locales to bring an unforgettable worship experience to women everywhere.

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Want to host
The Gathering on the Go?

With a proven track record in inspiring, motivating, encouraging and uplifting the lives of women, The Gathering is an excellent event to add to your church or organization's 2020 or 2021 calendar. We'd love to talk with you about how we might partner together to create a worship experience specially customized for the women in your area. 

Yes! I'd like to learn more about how my​ church or organization can partner with When the Gals Gather to impact the lives of women.

Thanks for submitting! We'll be in touch shortly.

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